New Irish Times Editor To Change Paper’s Name To ‘Viral LOLs’



A NEW era has begun at The Irish Times following the appointment of Cliff Taylor to the managing editor at the nation’s paper of record.

Although the former Sunday Business Post editor’s focus will be on politics and business, WWN can exclusively reveal that, in the interest of keeping pace with the internet age, Taylor will change the paper’s name exploiting a loophole in the company’s bylaws.

From the end of this month The Irish Times will change its name to Viral LOLs. “It is tough to survive in the print medium alone, so we are making the best use of where the online media discourse is headed by changing the name to something more suitable,” admitted Taylor, although he would not be drawn on whether the paper would actually have more ‘viral’ of ‘lol’ based content.

Editor in Chief Kevin O’Sullivan was said to be dismayed at the recent developments but once he read ’10 Cats Who Think They’re People’ he admitted it was a brave piece of journalism and was soon on board.

The look and feel of the paper and its site will remain much the same, but will include significantly more emoticons and GIFs of animals.

“Based on the research data available to me,” Taylor added, “this is what the people want, this is what Ireland needs from its media organisations”.

Viral LOLs denied the name change was a cynical ploy to cash in on the click bait phenomenon now rampant within most modern media organisations and went on to insist their older readers would adjust to the change. Any criticism of the switch to the comic sans typeface was also premature, according to the paper.
