Middle-Aged College Student To Spend Majority Of Lecture Asking Stupid Fucking Questions


FIRST YEAR physiology students at Waterford’s Institute of Technology were treated to yet another series of stupid fucking questions today from middle-aged classmate Darren Tobin.

Mr. Tobin, who successfully applied to become a mature student in January, began the lecture nervously inquiring about up-coming assignments, much to the absolute disgust of the thirty strong class.

“So would I be right in saying that we should start these assignments as quickly as possible to avoid rushing them at the end?” he asked lecturer John Willis – three years his junior.

“Yes Darren, that would be the best thing to do going forward with all assignments,” replied the seemingly exhausted looking lecturer, who spent most of his weekend smoking grass and drinking craft beers. “Best not to leave anything to the last minute.”

“Can we write the assignment in Biro or do we have to type it on the computer. My laptop doesn’t have Microsoft word,” he added.

“I would prefer if it was all typed as sometimes people’s writing can be hard to read,” answered Willis. “If you have anything else you need to know, please don’t be afraid to ask me after class”.

Sitting on his own at the front, the mature student wrote down what the lecturer had said carefully onto his foolscap notebook, while several of his classmates sniggered at his blatant lack of “cop” from behind.

“It’s the same thing every class since we started,” said 19-year-old Jason Power, who completed his leaving cert exam in June. “Always asking stupid fucking questions that everyone else knows the answer to. It’s like he does it on purpose or something”.

Secretly admitting the latter, Mr. Tobin told WWN that he absolutely despises the majority of his classmates, stating that he takes great joy from their sighs of annoyance caused by his ridiculous line of questioning.

“Half of these little shits will be gone by Christmas,” he said matter-of-fact. “If I can do anything to hurry that process along, then I will. Sometimes I even annoy myself, I’m so good at it”.
