America Still The Worst Place To Be An Unarmed Black Teen



OVER a week has passed since the shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown and there is much supporting evidence to suggest America has surpassed all rival countries in becoming the worst place to be an unarmed black teen.

While ineffectual Governor Jay Nixon along with White House officials have corrected such a disturbing narrative to reflect that America is actually ‘the best worst place to be an unarmed black teen’, many American citizens have challenged the claims on social media.

Fresh debates have opened up across America as the subsequent public outcry in Ferguson, Missouri has shown no signs of abating.

Many of America’s political elite have tried to quell racial tensions by drawing people’s attention to the progress made in the land of free and home of the brave since the dawn of the civil rights movement in America.

“It’s been said that Ferguson, made up largely of African Americans, has seen unemployment nearly triple in the last ten years, but then on the bright side Oprah has her own TV station, like, a whole entire TV station to herself,” explained Democratic party strategist Don Henderson.

“I honestly don’t know how people can give out about the disproportionate number of black men in jail on misdemeanor drug charges, or the higher level of unemployment among African Americans when our president is Barack Obama,” added the strategist, “white middle class Moms dance to Beyoncé, they get that don’t they?”

Those seeking to identify the insidious racism still prevalent in America today have used a complex and state of the art scientific technique referred to as ‘opening your eyes’ which many in the media and political class have failed to grasp.

Since the shooting Ferguson, Missouri has seen peaceful protests and pockets of looting occur with the vast majority of people unaffected by the continued disquiet attempting to point out black people should sort of expect this kind of thing.

Residents of Ferguson have been reassured that the presence of the National Guard on their streets and the implementation of a curfew is for their own good and ‘save them for getting ideas of equality above their station’.

An earlier tactic of playing the American national anthem through loudspeakers along with the words ‘the American Dream’ had proven unsuccessful.
