Dublin Girl Borrows €100 For Mother’s Day



Dublin Girl Emer Reilly has, after much thought and consideration, borrowed €100 from her mother just in time for Mother’s Day this Sunday.

“I’m absolutely smashed,” Emer is reported to have said as she conversed with her mother over the course of 20 long seconds at the front door of the family home. Once the transaction was complete Emer is believed to have embraced her mother momentarily before leaving.

Emer is understood to have been worried she wouldn’t have been able to get ‘properly fucking destroyed’ on Saturday night while out with friends in popular Dublin hot spot Whelans.

“Could you imagine stepping in that place sober. On a Saturday. Not a chance,” Emer shared with friends as she shopped for a dress to wear this weekend.

“In fairness now I could have asked for €200 and I didn’t,” Emer shared as friends observed how thoughtful she is.

“Still got a bit of attitude from her, but sure I’ll pop into her on Sunday regardless, I’ll be the bigger person like. You know they really appreciate that stuff,” the thoughtful daughter shared with nodding friends.

Emer then texted her father to remind him to buy his wife something for Mother’s Day. She then confided to her friends: “imagine what state my family would be in without me. You dread to think, no really you do.”
