‘Leave Our Lovely Sharon Alone’ Nation Tells English Owned Tabloid


The Nation has reacted angrily following the publication of photos of RTÉ newsreader Sharon Ní Bheoláin in the Irish Daily Mirror.

It is believed that at some time during breakfast this morning the Nation collectively said ‘Ah, leave our lovely Sharon alone’ over a bowl of corn flakes.

It came as no surprise to the discerning Irish public that the ‘Irish’ Daily Mirror is in fact owned by English publishing group Trinity Mirror.

“Ah, Jesus, why am I not shocked,” shared member of the public Deirdre Foley, “us Irish have no time for gossip and celebrities, but that doesn’t seem to stop the English, the nosy bastards”.

Historically the Irish media and public have shown no appetite whatsoever for the mindless drivel that is often called journalism in England and this latest incident has further angered Irish society.

“I was completely unaware idiots were legally allowed to be editors of papers here, I thought that was an English thing,” said, shocked newspaper reader Gavin Reid in response to a radio interview given by the editor of the Irish Daily Mirror.

The editor John Kierans spoke on Newstalk’s breakfast show to enhance his chances of being fired by simply opening his mouth. Kierans made the shocking and quite frankly laughable suggestion that Irish people enjoy reading idle gossip and looking at photos of people in the public eye.

“Typical guff coming from the English’s yes man,” remarked one social media user, “we hadn’t a celebrity in a newspaper until 2006 and that’s all down to the Brits I’ll tell you that for nothing,” they concluded.

The rest of the Irish media rightly rushed to the defence of journalistic principals down in the corner of page 37 somewhere before a 12-page spread on the upcoming Oscar Pistorius trial and after a 20-page spread on famous celebrity sex-tape-diet-affair-pregnancies.

WWN would like to place on record our disgust at the publication of the photos. We find it reprehensible that any media outlet, tabloid or otherwise, would seek to exploit such a troubling incident and that is why instead of republishing the photos we have instead gone with Sharon in a low cut dress.

More to follow as we get it…
