Man Cycling To Work Acting Like He’s Saving The Fucking World


Jon Moore, a 33-year-old bike-to-work aficionado, was giving drivers the ‘death stare’ this morning on the way to work.

The not-remotely-smug PR consultant just couldn’t believe the number of people driving into Dublin’s city centre at around 8.35am this morning.

Mr. Moore, a dedicated cyclist, knows full well the efforts he has personally gone to in helping to save this fragile blue dot we call planet Earth. Cycling 2.4km each morning and evening is no small undertaking and Mr. Moore paused in traffic to appreciated his contribution to humankind while simultaneously taking the time to individually tut at those who sat in their cars because they are basically planet murderers.

Unlike car drivers Mr. Moore is acutely aware of the damage we humans do to the planet on a minute by minute basis. So affected by the planet’s ordeal was the PR consultant that he undertook the brave task of moving his legs in a circular motion on a daily basis some 11 months ago.

As a result, his life changed utterly: he now cycles a bit and has a sticker on his satchel that reads ‘I’m doing my bit, are you?’.

“It’s not a superiority complex. I am superior, look at this chap in the Polo here; revving away like a mad man. He’s basically shitting on the polar bears with that attitude. Melting the face off the planet,” offered the PR consultant whose company has long standing ties with the oil industry.

“If people knew what I know there would be a whole lot of knowing going on, if you follow me,” Mr. Moore told WWN as he waited for a green light on Dame Street. “Fuck it, I’m not arsed waiting for a green, these lights take ages” concluded the conscientious cyclist.
