North Korea Defends Execution Of 80 Foreign Film Buffs As Movies Starred Ben Affleck


THE COMMUNIST STATE of North Korea defended its decision to execute 80 people for watching foreign films, as they were found to contain American actor, Ben Afleck.

A spokesperson confirmed that all Ben Affleck films have been banned from the country since 2011, and viewing them carries a mandatory death sentence.

It is understood that the public executions took place in seven separate cities earlier this month after an operation was launched by the supreme leader to clamp down on Ben Affleck films circulating the country.

Leader Kim Jong-un, a self-confessed film critic, ordered a nationwide ban on all films which were produced or starred Affleck.

“The supreme leader watched ‘Company Men’ and that was that.” explained a spokesman.

Since taking over leadership of the country, Kim Jong-un has gone on a rampage against poor quality film making and actors, also banning films containing Matt Damon, Julia Roberts and the entire cast of Twilight.

“He doesn’t want his people to be corrupted.” said a close aid. “He is trying top protect North Korea from poor quality film making.”
