‘Last Minute Game Changer’ As Seanad Calls For Abolishment Of Government



IN A dramatic game changer today, Seanad Eireann has called for the total abolishment of the current government in its current form, in a move that could serve the tables of power right onto the Senates court.

The upper house of the Oireachtas told Waterford Whispers News earlier that they will also be seeking a referendum this Friday.

All 60 Seanad members voted unanimously in favour of the referendum, which will see all 166 Teachta Daila representitives lose their positions in government.

“It just makes more sense to lose 166, than 60.” said senator David Norris earlier. “If it’s just the money they’re so worried about, then why not give up their own positions.”

The office for the Taoiseach was not available to comment earlier on the move, and it is understood a wide spread panic has rendered his Dail peers speechless.

Sources inside of Leinster house have reported that several parties have called emergency meetings for later on this evening.

“I think everyone is in shock.” said Dail barman Terry Power. “Any politician I have seen today has this vacant and worried look in their eyes as if someone just pulled the world from under their feet.”

Voters will be asked to vote on two referendums this Friday; one will be whether to abolish the seanad, and the other on whether to abolish the government.

What will you vote?
